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Dark energy is 68% of the energy of the universe and together with dark matter comprises 95% of the known universe.

Hold on a minute. Does this mean that we only understand less than 5% of the universe? That is precisely what grabbed my attention when I first saw this chart.

I could not believe it.

I assumed that I had misunderstood something.

But it's true. We know nothing about 95% of the universe. Cosmologists are playing it cool, most saying that this is an interesting time to be studying the universe. In truth they are extremely confused almost in a panic. They have had to admit that the sum of their knowledge, the carefully constructed and much verified model can't explain 95% of the universe!

So rather than accept that they are on the wrong track they dig in and blind us with mathematical constructs.

All the theories about Dark Energy I find on the internet are pretty far fetched.

# Energy of the vacuum, negative energy over large scales

# Quintessence, I love this one, great name. A bit like the old ether theory of the universe.

# The famous Quantum Error. A great theory until it's predictions turn out to be 10 to the power 120 wrong.

# Virtual particles.

# Modified gravity - keep changing the assumptions until you get the right answer.

Apart from the sheer complexity of these ideas, they all share the same vantage point. They all look on Dark Energy as something working against gravity, pushing our galaxies out of the universe.

Here are some extracts from Britannica, Scientific American and Wikipedia.

“something seems to be overpowering the attraction of gravity”.

“it has the peculiar property of pushing outwards generating repulsion on very large scales”

“A kind of cosmic repulsive force”

“The cosmological constant has negative pressure equal to its energy density and so causes the expansion of the universe.”

They're all looking through the wrong end of the telescope!

Dark Energy is not pushing, repulsive or negative.

What if we could find a simple idea which just uses the laws of physics as we know them?

Even better, it only makes 1 assumption which itself is consistent with the history of science.

Better still this assumption is testable is 2 or 3 different ways, maybe more.

Surely such an idea would be taken with care into the halls of science.

It is so simple and elegant that it must warrant serious consideration.

Trouble is, once you go down that path it challenges a lot of the given theories of the universe and there are a lot of big reputations and funding plans to lose.



The gravitational pull on our universe from the mass of matter out there in the cosmos.

The universe has always been much bigger than we thought.

This the lesson of history. Our measurements are limited by our instruments. Just because we cannot see it does not mean it is not out there.

I propose that our universe is actually part of a much bigger cosmos. Think about this. How silly is it to assert that the only stuff of the cosmos is the stuff we can see. That the universe is defined by our ability to see it.

How many times in history has such an idea been proved to be wrong? In years to come this idea will be the 21st century's equivalent of the flat earth theory.

The dark energy causing the expansion of the universe is just gravity. Normal gravity, no new particles, no energy of the vacuum, the usual laws apply, but on a much bigger scale.

The expansion of the universe started to accelerate after about 7.5 billion years. This was the time that the gravitational pull from the cosmos became greater than the internal gravity of the universe. The further out you are the greater the acceleration, simple.

Dark Energy is just gravity. The gravitational pull of the cosmos.

Cosmic gravity aka Dark Energy

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